HEAL Partnership Meeting
Fri, Feb 16
|Meeting Held Via Zoom
These monthly meetings provide a platform for you, and our multidisciplinary partners, to connect with aligned individuals, gain insights into crucial policy matters, and collaborate towards transformative change within our communities. Visit (bit.ly/3Acrp9y) to join us!

Time & Location
Feb 16, 2024, 10:00 AM – 11:30 AM
Meeting Held Via Zoom
About the event
and the HEAL Partnership will be the first to hear about them!Â
CHW Employers, do you remember completing a regional employer survey, created by our very own UMSL-CIAC evaluation partners?
The CHW Employer survey was conducted as part of the CORE grant in collaboration with the UMSL Research/Evaluation Team, to gain a clear understanding about the networks, roles, and positions that CHW's occupy within institutions in the St. Louis Region, specifically.
Well, we have the first round of results!Â
We send a special thank you to each employer who took the time to complete the initial survey.
Our UMSL partners will be joining us tomorrow, Friday February 16th
o to share the quantifiable results of the survey,
o open the floor for discussion and
o prime the group on next steps.
Additionally, we will spend a good portion of the time catching our partners up on the ongoing Group Concept Mapping (GCM) results. Throughout the course of last year, we had over 40 partners support the GCM process. During this month’s HEAL meeting our UMSL evaluators will
o remind us of the results,
o inform us on how the outcomes can be used, and
o lead discussion about potential places to go next.