What is the HEAL Partnership?
The HEAL Partnership is an opportunity to come together within a network to share experience, strategize and build momentum towards the issues that matter most to the CHW workforce.
These monthly meetings provide a platform for you -
and our multidisciplinary partners to:
connect in peer groups (CHWs, CHW Employers, CHW Evaluators, CEOs +CHW partners),
gain insights into crucial policy matters,
collaborate intentionally, and
communicate statewide through various channels.
Join us as we work together to shape the future we want to see.
This region, inclusive of 5 counties statewide, lacked a centralized space for partners involved with the CHW workforce to connect, collaborate and movement build towards decisions locally, statewide and nationally.
To demonstrate a statewide regions ability to scale and sustain the CHW workforce through authentic collaboration that create equitable and sustainable financing structures, career laddering and inter-institutional support.
HEAL serves as the largest regional CHW convening in the state of MO.
The space coonvenes multi-industry network partners to strategize and make decisions regarding regional and statewide CHW efforts, rising policy, workforce challenges, program advancement and feasibility, etc.
- all aimed to advance the CHW workforce in this region of the state, and beyond. The HEAL partnership is comprised of 4 peer led workgroups: CHWs, CHW Employers, CEOs and Partners, CHW Data Specialist

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2024 HEAL Meeting Schedule
The HEAL Partnership will meet the third Friday of every month from 10:00AM - 11:30AM.