Fellow CHWs
Thank you to every single CHW who trusted us, in 2018, when we publically organized in
St Louis, to carry forth the vision your workforce had already so carefully cultivated - 2 years before; thank you for allowing us add to it.
Thank you!
Board of Leaders
To the 9 individuals who stood beside me
for over 420 hours, in two years,
volunteering time, lending sweat equity, sharing intellectual property, and so much more... all to build this very organization
that we now call our own.
The 9 of you will never be forgotten; you are forever a piece of this organizations' fabric.
Thank you!
A huge thank you to our institutional partners who served as the anchor foundation and incubators to this very organization; Thank you St Louis Integrated Health Network for your unflinching championship; Thank you St Louis Community College for your commitment to training this workforce; Thank you Missouri Foundation for Health for believing in the vision.
Thank you!

HEAL Partners
Thank you to every regional leader, especially our HEAL partners;
Thank you to all who have taken the time to learn about CHWs, those who have shifted power in a way that transforms and creates impact, and those who support the vision of this Coalition, out loud.
Thank you!
Thank you St. Louis!
for embracing innovation, embracing change,
and eagerly anticipating the exciting developments to come